Before Obama commented on the terrorist attack yesterday in Chattanooga that left 4 Marines dead, Obama sent out a Tweet that honored Islam at the close of their holy month of Ramadan.
Obama sent out the Tweet several hours after the identity of the shooter was revealed to be 24-year-old Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez – a Muslim from Kuwait.
Reaction from stunned and infuriated Americans followed.
He should be kicked out of his office!
What an embarr$#%&!@*ment!
He is so sick. He’s also crazy to think the way he does.
He’s a Muslim, what do you expect?
This is what you get, when dem steal the e-lect and put in their rifraf.
This “person” is by far the MOST UN-American president this country has EVER had. He shames and disgraces the office EVERY DAY and EVERY TIME he opens his mouth.
Jim – and with TOTAL complicity of congress. Nobody will OPPOSE him for fear of being labeled a “racist!” and besides congress is too busy finding new privileges for THEMSELVES! wake up folks! we have a shiite jihadist in the white house!
Strange how that works, right?
Never did I want to believe that someone that refers to them self as an American could be so disrespectful!! Treason!! I say impeachment and an old fashion firing line will take care of it.