Before Obama commented on the terrorist attack yesterday in Chattanooga that left 4 Marines dead, Obama sent out a Tweet that honored Islam at the close of their holy month of Ramadan.
Obama sent out the Tweet several hours after the identity of the shooter was revealed to be 24-year-old Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez – a Muslim from Kuwait.
Reaction from stunned and infuriated Americans followed.
Traitor terrorist Muslim why is he still in the white house
Simply said he is a terrorist himself !!!!
Like one. Like Son
Because I’m a lady. Lol
He himself is a traitor in charge !
Obama has two first. 1st mixed race president 2. Worse President to Ever– serve in this country. Talk about a record setter!
F***king $#%&!@*bag
Obama is a terrorist himself for allowing this to continue.
You are trash
I honestly do not know if the posts on here are true or not, but it does seem to me that our country is going to hell very fast. Values and morals mean nothing anymore. 5 dead soldiers who did nothing except try and keep us safe were not given the respect and honor that they truly deserved. What a shame! We live in a society now that if you p**s somebody off you are racist and un American. I have not one racist bone in my body, But can we all just please keep it fair? Take away all the flags you want, it will never compare to the ignorance that this land of the free has been forced to live upon. I have never been one to post on politically issues, but For The Love Of God Wake Up America!!!!!!! Sorry rant over.