Before Obama commented on the terrorist attack yesterday in Chattanooga that left 4 Marines dead, Obama sent out a Tweet that honored Islam at the close of their holy month of Ramadan.
Obama sent out the Tweet several hours after the identity of the shooter was revealed to be 24-year-old Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez – a Muslim from Kuwait.
Reaction from stunned and infuriated Americans followed.
Obozo the muslim psychopath dictator is lower than a pig.pork.pork
We do have our priorities.
Not a surprise, later took off to another Fundraiser.
When a white guy killed 9 people in a church in cold blood!!! What do you call that!! Criminals are criminals wither they are………..Muslims ..Christian ..Jews.
We need to honor Obama with impeachment, arrest, prosecution and execution for treason….!!!
I’ve known who and what he is!! POS!! I’m sorry to say the Republicans are sleeping with this muslim!!!
No comment necessary.
idiot obama.
He is the enemy of United States Of America, inprison him for Treason
I looked at the link and read his tweets, not sure how he’s promoting terrorism or Islam. This country was founded with the goal of religious freedom and people NOT having to fear reprisals for celebrating a religious holiday. That’s kinda what I got out of it.