Before Obama commented on the terrorist attack yesterday in Chattanooga that left 4 Marines dead, Obama sent out a Tweet that honored Islam at the close of their holy month of Ramadan.
Obama sent out the Tweet several hours after the identity of the shooter was revealed to be 24-year-old Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez – a Muslim from Kuwait.
Reaction from stunned and infuriated Americans followed.
I think every armed man should storm the White House and kill that man…He doesn’t deserve to live after what he has done to our country…!!!
Shooting time.
barack insane odumbo himself is a frigging terrorist.
Obama is a Muslim Cult! Impeach him then send him to jail or Kenya.
Sad sad day when Americans picked this guy, twice!
This makes Islam pure evil
I wish that Barack Obama was at that recruiting center in Chattanooga Tennessee…….
And we had those 4 Marines playing golf instead……
…….. This country would be better off for it…….Four great guys for one evil Muslim!!!! I would like that deal everyday!!!!!
Obama is a traitor to America and should be executed for treason.
Hang him!