Before Obama commented on the terrorist attack yesterday in Chattanooga that left 4 Marines dead, Obama sent out a Tweet that honored Islam at the close of their holy month of Ramadan.
Obama sent out the Tweet several hours after the identity of the shooter was revealed to be 24-year-old Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez – a Muslim from Kuwait.
Reaction from stunned and infuriated Americans followed.
He may not be the devil, but he’s sure running a close second.
Breitbart Special Message
It’s time to do the right thing.
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Question: What do Barack Obama, anti-gun radical Michael Bloomberg, and big-city liberal politicians have in common?
Answer: They all wanted to defeat me in my last election for Milwaukee County Sheriff. And they are all furious that I refuse to stay in the boundaries of their liberal group-think.
I will never be afraid to take a hard stance against criminals, no matter what race or creed they happen to be. I’ll never make excuses for wrongdoing, and will always look for solutions to lift up rather than tear down the citizens we are obligated to serve and protect. And I’ll never back down from our precious Second Amendment rights, no matter how much money the anti-gun leftists spend to defeat me.
But I’m not in this fight just to be defiant. I’m in it to show the people who need our help a better way.
If you support my message, please donate $100, $50, or $25 today to make sure it remains alive.
We need to start seeing each other as individuals who, empowered with all the rights our Cons$#%&!@*ution guarantees, can work together to make America great again.
We need to stop the media from viewing every American as part of a group that is either “in” and enjoys privilege, or “out” and requires compensation. We can’t fix Baltimore or Ferguson by telling everyone who lives there they are a victim. And Milwaukee won’t get past its slump by doling out welfare when better solutions are obvious.
Show your support for my message with a timely donation right now.
I think my message is winning hearts and minds across the nation, and Barack Obama’s is losing. He was elected to bring “hope and change” to America, which has not worked out too well. I was elected to help change the culture that put Milwaukee on a wrong path, and have been re-elected four times!
If my message can work in the only major American city that has elected three Socialist mayors, it can work anywhere. We just need the courage to continue spreading our positive message without fear. I guarantee this: I will not be intimidated, and will not let our message be silenced.
I started the People’s Sheriff PAC to give a voice to other fearless Americans who refuse to toe the line of the leftist media and others who make excuses for wrongdoing. I started it to give a voice to anyone who is willing to stand up for hard truths, for justice, and for ideas that reflect rather than undermine our most important American values.
I started it for you, to help spread our crucial message.
If you’re in, become a member of the People’s Sheriff PAC with a donation today.
Let’s get to work.
For America,
Sheriff David Clarke
Please send checks payable to “The People’s Sheriff PAC” to:
5822 Crighton Dr.
Dublin, OH 43016
Paid for by The People’s Sheriff PAC. Not affiliated with any candidate or candidate’s committee.
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Yea, me too! It’s been obvious the whole time! Except for those who drank the kool-aid!
real piece of c**p
Five Marines.
Obama did say that he would stand with Islam against America, so I don’t know why everyone is so shocked
Why is this sand nr still in office….
He’s a pre k and Muslim all the way.