The Obama administration has announced that President Obama would veto a defense authorization bill if it did not close down Guantanamo Bay.
Obama won’t do it himself, so he is attempting to get Congress to do it for him and thus take the blame. White House press secretary Josh Earnest ran a smokescreen to protect the president and explained that the House funding bill would be vetoed “principally because…of the irresponsible way that it funds our national defense priorities, but also because of the efforts to prevent the closure [of] the prison at Guantanamo Bay.”
He added that Democrats would sustain Obama’s veto, and defense authorization would die. Of course, Obama also wishes to gut the military, so it works for him either way. More on the next page:
A terrorist wanting to set other terrorists free….
Lets hold him Hostage until he releases all his C**p and goes back to being president.
When he says close GITMO, he isn’t referring. To the Prison Compound, he wants to give the base back to CUBA!
Good one . Justin M. Powell
Why is he allowed to do so? Where is congress? Where is our spineless Congressional master at arms?
Military need some courage from Congress!
congress appropriates funds not the PRESIDENT…..
Can a court stop any of this!! This has too be illegal
Is this NOT eneugh to say that nobama IS IN FACT an enemy of the UNITED STATES? There. Gongress is svard to say it. But did I not prove that it is NOT that hard. It’s time to vote out these wimps out of office.