President Obama might regret supporting Black Lives Matter as vocally as has because a conservative activist is now attempting to hold him and his ideological cohorts responsible for the unstable social climate we inhabit today.
Fed up with the disrespect and outright hatred towards police officers that has been stoked by the left, former prosecutor Larry Klayman has filed a lawsuit against a litany of defendants he charges with contributing to said disrespect and hatred. Some of the figures named in the lawsuit are Obama, his former Attorney General Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, and Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, all of whom he claims have “incited violence and in fact have a direct link to what happened in Dallas.”
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About time
Not sure if this is true. If it is, whoever filed the suit needs to be castrated.
Xavier Keough explains it perfectly.
Last Man Standing
Contrary to contemporary paranoia, i do not have a problem with nationalism – a fierce respect and undying love for one’s country, its welfare and survival – as long such reverence is not based upon the violent oppression or senseless discrimination of any sect of society. Racial supremacy, however, is a pointless, naive and entirely self-destructive endeavor. Even if one’s claim of racial superiority was rooted in incontrovertible fact, it’s of little relevance in a country as diverse as America, let alone one predicated upon individual liberty and tolerance. Refusing to “coexist” is as much of an attack on our founding values as coercing free will into mass conformity. Furthermore, attempting to silence or limit free speech, the most fundamental manifestation of our natural born rights and the cognitive domain of sentient beings, merely justifies the very form of tyranny censorship inevitably invites.
The greatest contention I have with the chaos in Charlottesville or anywhere else for that matter, besides the grotesque display of inhumanity and needless loss of life, is that professional political agitators like Antifa and BLM solicited protestors, distributed detailed “playbooks” and transported hundreds of militants into Virginia with the explicit purpose of ensuring confrontation and exacting bloodshed. These radical organizations have repeatedly called for the death of police, even proclaimed a need for white genocide, with little to no outrage from the mainstream media or our elected representatives. Since when did unabashed bigotry and orchestrated anarchy not become worthy of being declared hate crimes, or dare I say recognized terror threats, in this hyper-sensitive age of political correctness and publicized mass murder?
Being the KKK has been designated a hate group for over half a century, and rightfully so, shouldn’t the Black Panthers receive similar treatment for their vile rhetoric and cultivated animosity towards millions of white Americans, the very political party that ended slavery and our law enforcement community? Unlike Barack Obama who immediately exonerated and racially exploited Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Freddie Gray, triggering riots and a national wave of police assassinations, the President has made no such malicious assumptions or “call to arms” to fulfill a bitter, divisive agenda. He simply denounced the horrific hostility unfolding on national TV and made a renewed plea for mutual respect among fellow Americans; regardless of our skin color, political beliefs or inevitable differences.
Much of the discord currently enveloping America is a choreographed fire sale to give the illusion the country, if not the world, is coming apart because of one man’s ill-concieved policies and contemptible nature; or in layman’s terms, his resolute rejection of the corrupt, prejudiced and failed status quo. Despite his well documented past of social philanthropy, accolades and praise received from the same civil rights leaders now invoking racism, it’s obvious progressives are far more concerned with linking Donald Trump to white supremacy – yet another shameless ploy to disparage his name and discredit his presidency through false association – than fostering amity by addressing the true source of these avoidable hostilities: liberal fascism.
When societal apathy, clear political favoritism, allows criminal malevolence to fester and operate with reckless impunity, tragic events like Charlottesville are hardly aberrations…they are the acceptable aftermath of pardoned hypocrisy. Freedom of speech only becomes a buried anecdote when political charlatans preaching “unity and social justice” implore their followers to belligerently “get in the face” of anyone who disagrees with their partisan aspirations. As repugnant as some views are, our response to those ideas can be equally appalling if not more obscene than the mere exchange of words. When the battle of ideas recuses civility and the merits of one’s convictions for fisticuffs and homicidal threats, ignorance is always the last man standing.
The faces of Racism
these are just a few of the bastards that have worked to bring our country down
You didn’t here anything when BLM killed the 5 police in officers in dallas.
Get rid of them all and never let fools like this become known again all traitors