Obama vows to press Iran deal “Beyond the Law”
After a White House conference, Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.) seemingly suggested this week that President Barack Obama may be ready to go “beyond what’s allowed by law” to shove through the Iran nuclear deal.
The Hill reported Wednesday that Sherman claimed Obama acted like he was ready to completely ignore Congress if the members don’t sign off on his deal. Sherman’s comments came after the president had invited top Democrats to the White House and gave them a personal presentation on the Iran deal. More on the NEXT page.
Had better not.
Isn’t this one of the reasons for the division of responsibility in our government as a Democracy and not a king or dictator. What is wrong with people now days? We fight for this right over seas and allow it to be stomped on here at home. Please tell me at least one of the representatives in the house or Congressmen in the Senate has the strength of will to stand up for the people and say NO already.
He needs to leave, walking or laying down, either way is fine with me
He has no respect for America.I have no respect for him !!!
I wish congress would leap frog and him in prison for treason
This SOB needs to be JAILED for life what a fricking TRAITOR!!!!!
He’s advocating engaging in another uncons$#%&!@*utional act !!!!
he leapfron guys to, lmao
Congress, spineless over paid s$#%&!@*bags needs to be cleaned out.