He ignored the tragedy and the victims of the attack at Umpqua Community College to focus on himself and his agenda. Then President Obama retorted in his typical knee-jerk reaction to the latest mass killing in a touted “Gun Free Zone.”
Finally, he went beyond his usual calls for more gun control and suggested instead that America consider following the path blazed by Australia and Great Britain. Find out more of Big O’s Big Plan on the next page:
Make it clear he’s done !!!
Let him come and get mine himself
Not my guns you don’t
that is beyond funny does blood in the streets mean anything
he wants to disarm us so his muslim feiends can eradicate all us us
Looks like its that time again…… THE BRITISH IS COMING , THE BRITISH ARE COMING
It is cause most Americans dont respect one another, for no respect is being taught by hardly anyone anymore.
there definitely will be a civil war if Ovomit takes the guns
It is always about Obama and nobody else
That is what an ego-maniac and narcissist does: “Its all about him”