When considering why Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and the left in general loath Christianity and seek ways to diminish it, malign it, and generally banish it from society, yet embrace the uncivilized and barbaric expressions of Islam as practiced by Islamic terror groups, of which there are dozens, it is almost impossible to find a rational explanation for such a schizophrenic world view.
To be sure, leftists see all religion as an impediment to a better society, or more importantly, to a system that is less fluid and flexible than they prefer. When one believes there is right and wrong, good and bad, and that actions can be judged and evaluated, obviously actions matter.
So when Christians suggest that homosexual marriage is proscribed by God, bad for society, and equally bad for children, the lefties go crazy and say all kinds of mean, nasty things about religion. They also demand that Christians accept the principle of homosexual marriage, and liberals will go so far as to bankrupt and destroy owners of a business who seek to honor their deeply held beliefs by not participating in a homosexual wedding that they feel is contrary to God’s will.
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She would be the first one I would ship over to Those goat headers.
Hilary is at war with America
Ecclesiastes 8:11. Revelation 20:11,12
Moslem Obama who would not permit himself to vetted sealing his history with millions of dollars is promising that his ISIS brothers will be vetted.
Yes. The same way he was.
He wants his killers here and quickly.
His desire is for a caliphate in America and nearly every democrat cooperates with him.
If obummer had a son , it would be hilary! Two peas in a pod ,anti- American traitors.
They’re brown nosers.
Replacing Christianity with Islam is no replacement. Fundamentalist from both deny science, try and pervert their governments into theocracies, and are utterly bigoted. We should rid the world of Abrahamic religion and replace them with the Pagan beliefs of our ancestors
I only wish that isis woukd behead these two.
Because they’re both a couple idiots
This is why we have so much hate in the world. They do not put any religion over another. They respect all religions.