When considering why Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and the left in general loath Christianity and seek ways to diminish it, malign it, and generally banish it from society, yet embrace the uncivilized and barbaric expressions of Islam as practiced by Islamic terror groups, of which there are dozens, it is almost impossible to find a rational explanation for such a schizophrenic world view.
To be sure, leftists see all religion as an impediment to a better society, or more importantly, to a system that is less fluid and flexible than they prefer. When one believes there is right and wrong, good and bad, and that actions can be judged and evaluated, obviously actions matter.
So when Christians suggest that homosexual marriage is proscribed by God, bad for society, and equally bad for children, the lefties go crazy and say all kinds of mean, nasty things about religion. They also demand that Christians accept the principle of homosexual marriage, and liberals will go so far as to bankrupt and destroy owners of a business who seek to honor their deeply held beliefs by not participating in a homosexual wedding that they feel is contrary to God’s will.
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They will never rid Christianity the Bible tells us that His word will be here when He comes back. It is going to be a cold day in Hell when He returns and starts putting people where they are going to spend eternity. They will pay for every word that has come out of their mouth, we all will. People think they are so smart and doing so great and got every thing they want, there is going to be a day that you are going to regret every thing you are doing and saying because the place yo will spend eternity is not a good place and the only way you can avoid it is to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and repent of your sins and believe in your heart that He died on the cross for our sins and rose the third day and is now in heaven with God the Father. He will come back to get his bride (church). So every one needs to be ready and waiting.
Because Islam is full of ignorant, illiterate ppl who are easily led.
Well is that why Obozo favors Muslims?
He is a despicable person and the WORST president in history!
Miguel they are trying to push laws to try and make that happen. Automatic citizenship. Why do you think that is a priority for the Democratic party. It got temporary blocked by Congress . The plan was to have it in place so when the refugees got here it would be a smooth transition.
Rod, don’t forget all that reside in the cemeteries.
Only 3 percent of the Syrian refugees are Christian that are being allowed here and they are the ones being persecuted.
I am not against immigration, this country is built on that, including my family. But legally And contribute to the system if you want all of the benefits of living in America. That goes for American that are bleeding the system as well. At least that what I believe. You may feel differently.
I guess Hillary does not know, how Muslims treat women.
Because they are Stupid Muslim LOVERS!!