It might be too good to be true, but it appears that the Obama administration is getting ready to throw Hillary Clinton under the bus.
Asked about the scandal over his former Secretary of State’s email server, President Obama defended her conduct during her time in his cabinet, saying she did an “outstanding job” and didn’t “intentionally put America in any kind of jeopardy.” One can’t help but wonder what Chris Stevens and the other three Americans killed in Benghazi would think of that statement.
However, he refused to stick his neck out for her when Fox News host Chris Wallace asked him if he would intervene on Hillary’s behalf if the Justice Department ends up indicting her. Even more surprisingly, he went as far as to “guarantee” that he would not protect her in the event that criminal charges are brought against her.
Obama’s statement will definitely come as a blow to Hillary, who has attempted to trivialize the investigation into her emails as a partisan witch-hunt.
See Obama’s interview on the next page:
Hmm…sometimes I feel like we are dealing with children here. It is simple; either she intentionally did this or she is incompetent. There are no other options. However, OBUMMER thinks we still respect his opinion like Sheeple!
I suppose you could say that about others who have been charged for their stupidity over national security. The fact is, Hillary thought she was above the law and did what she wanted. That is still a crime.
What a stupid statement!
Something to be thinking about!!!
A lot of people have brought up the fact that they won’t vote for Trump if he’s the eventual nominee. I just want to put something in perspective.
Justice Scalia’s seat is vacant. Ginsberg is 82 years old, Kennedy is 79, Breyer is 77, and Thomas is 67. Nowadays, the data shows that the average age of a Supreme Court retirement or death occurs after 75.
These are 5 vacancies that will likely come up over the next 4-8 years. The next President will have the power to potentially create a 7-2 Supreme Court skewed in their ideology.
Think about that… 7-2. If the next President appoints 5 young justices, it will guarantee control of the Supreme Court for an entire generation. And 7-2 decisions will hold up much more over time than 5-4 decisions which are seemed to be lacking in mandate.
Hillary has made it clear she will use the Supreme Court to go after the 2nd Amendment. She has literally said that the Supreme Court was wrong in its Heller decision stating that the Court should overturn and remove the individual right to keep and bear arms. Period.
Everyone saying that they won’t vote for one candidate or the other if they are the GOP nominee, please realize this. If Hillary Clinton wins and gets to make these appointments, you likely will never see another Conservative victory at the Supreme Court level for the rest of your life. Ever.
If you are a Conservative, a vote for anyone but the GOP nominee, whomever that will be, is a vote for Hillary Clinton.
Naturally he says something so stupid as this, his mouth is open.
I can smell the penis on his breath………….
The privilege of being connected. If anyone else did that they would already be in prison.
Clinton is a bigger liar then Obama, if that is possible !!!!
Bs from a pos