It’s totally obvious that President Barack Obama was so intent on achieving and promoting a deal with Iran regarding its pursuit of nuclear weapons that he would go to any lengths to cover up any suggestion that Iran wouldn’t abide by terms of the deal.
A key part of the deal was to remove sanctions on Iran Air, the state-sponsored commercial airline. Behind the scenes, crony capitalism was in play as Boeing worked to secure a deal to provide Iran with a new commercial fleet for Iran Air.
In order to get that portion done, Iran had to agree that Iran Air would be used for commercial flights only, in order to end its shipments of arms and militants to aid in propping up the Assad regime in Syria or helping terrorist groups throughout the Middle East.
Now news is surfacing that the Obama administration turned a blind eye to signs that Iran wasn’t keeping its end of the deal regarding Iran Air. On the next page, find out the details and how Boeing played a role in keeping the deal alive.
Double wink
what do you expect from a damn terrorist /….
Oh, he hid the fact that he’s a muslim by acting like he was attending Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s radical, racist, church services…he pulled off the deception pretty well…despite having to quit Rev. Wright’s church, because of his radical sermons! Obama, and, the communist, Bill Ayers, cooked up this whole charade (with the blessing, and, financing of George Soros) in Bill Ayers’ kichen before Obama first ran for Illinois State Senator! This was intended to be the culmination of a years-long plan by the communists to take over the world, by using muslims as their armies….then, along came the American people to elect Donald Trump! OBAMA, HILLARY & BILL CLINTON, KERRY, LYNCH, HOLDER, JEH JOHNSON, BRENNAN, CLAPPER, VALERIE JARRETT, SUSAN RICE, HUMA ABEDIN, DEBBIE WASSERMAN-SCHULTZ, COMEY, PODESTA, BEN RHODES, COLIN KAHL, CHUCK SCHUMER, HARRY REID, GOV JERRY BROWN, GOV KATE BROWN, U.S. DISTRICT JUDGE GLORIA NAVARRO, U.S. DISTRICT JUDGE SUSAN BOLTON, MAYOR RAHM EMANUEL, DIANE FEINSTEIN, PELOSI, WATERS, BARBARA LEE, WARREN, JOHN KASICH, CARLY FIORINA, JEB BUSH, MCCAIN, GRAHAM, RYAN, MCCONNELL, KAMILA HARRIS, JOHN LEWIS, BILL DE BLASIO, AL SHARPTON, LINDA SARSOUR, BETSY HODGES, JUSTIN TRUDEAU, ANGELA MERKEL, AND, GEORGE SOROS, FOR PRISON, 2017!
Believe everything they are told Fox News…
obummer has no business walking free in our country . he should be arrested and locked in gitmo for life.
Imagine that !
Lock Barry up soon !
nubm nut