If there is anyone who can be said to not be qualified to lecture others about American values, you can’t go wrong with identifying such a person as former president Barack Obama.
During his long eight years in the White House, Obama did everything he could to not only undermine the security of the United States but the ideas and values that made it so free and prosperous in the first place. In spite of his penchant for reminding the American people that he was a student of constitutional law, the former senator from Chicago made no attempt to hide his disdain for the document he claimed to be so well-versed in.
From legislating from the desk through unconstitutional executive orders to enabling the naked identity politics of the left, Obama’s presidency exhibited many traits, but American was not one of them.
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You jack$#%&!@* no good son of a b – – – -!
Obama , you really are a total douche bag and an ASSCLOWN ! Shut the hell up and go away. Putting you in prison comes to mind, you traitorous bastard!
Sick man who still hates this country
Die traitor
Look who’s talking? Were you not the person who established this division? Racism was not as prominent until you stirred up the pot. So, I don’t believe your “Heartened” position and wish you would just leave and mind your own business.
He would be, anything that tears at the fabric of out country this socialist is for.
He is a traitor to this country. Of course he doesn’t want a true American patriot in the White House.
He’s out of office..what’s he doin’….no one wan 23rd s his 2 cents
this is from a has been