If there is anyone who can be said to not be qualified to lecture others about American values, you can’t go wrong with identifying such a person as former president Barack Obama.
During his long eight years in the White House, Obama did everything he could to not only undermine the security of the United States but the ideas and values that made it so free and prosperous in the first place. In spite of his penchant for reminding the American people that he was a student of constitutional law, the former senator from Chicago made no attempt to hide his disdain for the document he claimed to be so well-versed in.
From legislating from the desk through unconstitutional executive orders to enabling the naked identity politics of the left, Obama’s presidency exhibited many traits, but American was not one of them.
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To bad someone wouldn’t shut this$#%&!@*head up!!
Think of it this way…America is a boat which can only hold so many people. There are people drowning in the Sea. You only have room to save five. Do you save your grandchildren or do you save a stranger and watch your grandchildren drown?? I know my answer and it is not unChristian of me to say so…It is realistic
I hope he steps on a LEGO.
He is laughing his$#%&!@*off a the liberal snowflakes he helped create…They bought what he was selling and proved that they are easily led
Go away
Start your retirement in your walled mansion, and give someone else a turn.
Hey Barry you better get your f**e papers ready imagration is coming for you
Go back to KENYA and take you wife and kids with you
Who gives a$#%&!@*about what Obama says anymore! He is only out to spread hate and discord!
So he advocates violence!! Disgusting evil man!!