It’s only been a little over a week since Obama ceded the Oval Office to Donald Trump, but the former president is already setting his sights on his successor. Following the nationwide protests that erupted over the detention of two Iraqi refugees at JFK Airport in New York, Obama issued a statement saying not only that he was “heartened” by the demonstrations but conveying his opposition to Trump’s national security policies:
“The political and personal differences between Obama and Trump are well known. Obama was highly critical of Trump’s policy proposals during the general election but indicated his intention to facilitate a peaceful transfer of power — widely considered a hallmark of American democracy — and offer his guidance as needed.
Obama has cited former President George W. Bush’s graciousness to his incoming administration despite their political differences as an example he sought to follow. Bush famously avoided criticizing Obama publicly, though his vice president, Dick Cheney, frequently blasted the president during television and print interviews.
During his final press conference, Obama said he would speak out in the Trump era if he felt “our core values are at stake.”
Take a look at the actions of these so called ‘protesters’. Here they knock a Trump supporter unconscious and mock him afterwards, calling him a ‘Nazi’:
Source: Yahoo
The Great Divider. King Obama.
deport christians but let jihadists get free citizenship