At the Friday press conference at the White House, President Barack Obama mocked gun rights activists as “absolutists” and declared they “think that any gun safety measures are somehow an assault on freedom or communistic or a plot by me.”
Hmmm…during the time he has been president, has Obama done anything at all that would be considered an assault on freedom, communistic or an orchestrated plot? The answer on the next page:
you are a nice man
Tell us something we don’t know Barry….DUH
And you at a fraud and a sellout!!!!! The worst president in history
Gun control advocates are hypocrites and anti American
That’s desperation. He’s just throwing out ack ack in hopes something will stick. How insane a statement.
mr obama you let the shooter in the country that make you a apprentice to the fact & makes you Liabil &is an accessory before the fact. furnished the gun and was not present at the time of the killing.An accessory may be convicted of the same crime as the principal in the first degree.another words you let him in the country knowing of him being on a terrorist list but still let him in hmmmmmm makes you an accessory after the fact
The problem isn’t guns or the bible it’s Obama and a corrupt government they think they are all above the law and can do what they want regardless it’s not just the public that will suffer
We aren’t stupid Obama, we see what you are doing in secret and your sin shall find you out.
I’m amazed he hasn’t been assassinated . He should be impeached and thrown in jail.
andyour an azzole