According to documents obtained by Fox News, Obama could grant up to 4.5 million illegal immigrants amnesty as early as next week. He will do so by an unconstitutional executive order.
To do this without securing the border will serve as an advertisement for others to enter this country illegally.
Think we saw too many enter our country illegally this year? That’s nothing compared to what’s coming.
Dear God, help us. This man needs stopped.
obum is illegal throw him out.
Seems like we are just sitting back and letting him begin the destruction of our country. Why can’t he be stopped?
Well,we’ve been warned, we did nothing. Tomorrow kiss your job goodby, kiss your wife goodby kiss your daughters and sons goodby, kiss your dog goodby, kiss even your truck goodby.Are we so stupid we still can’t see why he is bring illegais here? Its to give them a new gov. a new country, and a new life. Every thing that once was ours.
Congress——-it time to stop Obama??????????????
Could someone take the pen away from this Bozo Obama.
Take out all the stops and prevent this catastrophe from happening at all costs!
He can’t grant amnesty it’s unconstitutional. Defund it and throw it out.
Its time for another war in America.