This president continues to show his indifference to the disasters facing the nation.
As record-breaking flood waters threaten to breach as many as 19 levees in the Midwest, President Obama is living it up in Hawaii. Currently on one of his many vacations, Obama apparently can’t be bothered by such an unpleasant development as mass flooding in the heart of the country.
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anyone who thinks this man cares about anything but himself is delusional.
Did u expect anything else
You said he didn’t do anything of note to constitute winning presidency. He did. He won the election. Simple as that. It’s clear you hate him, and yes he does suck, but get real.
Invasion by saddam? Explain that one pls.
He should be filling sandbags. That weak mf
What is it they say? Nero fiddled While Rome burned
He doesn’t care about that, only his golf swing.
More Tax Money Spent.