This president continues to show his indifference to the disasters facing the nation.
As record-breaking flood waters threaten to breach as many as 19 levees in the Midwest, President Obama is living it up in Hawaii. Currently on one of his many vacations, Obama apparently can’t be bothered by such an unpleasant development as mass flooding in the heart of the country.
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Dona May Nayak I’m sure you’ve had plenty of rashes that wont go away. This President has displayed more emotion than many previous ones. I take it you think Muslims should be targeted, not protected from idiots like you who think they’re all terrorists. What thugs? Do you mean unarmed black kids? Sure…you’re no racist…lol
387 days to go America.
Well what a r.
Shows what’s important
This should remind everyone of the “French Revolution”,And the elegant quote of Marie Antoinette,”Let them eat cake,if they have no bread”.How little did the aristocracy then feel for the people.Do you think this is a replay,or simply a retelling of the same story. Just set in a different time,with different names on the players.???
Now this is all that dam Obama do is play golf and worry about gun control.all the floods we having he had not told any of the people that lost every than how sorry he is or any thang about that.
He a low down dog no a dog have more feeling.people that lost all they has I pray for y’all. I want a President I can be pround of Trump my next Preasident
His care and love for America and her people is shining through. But he loves the freedoms and enjoyment ,Americas , money , and military give him. He is such a disgrace as an American, president,and human being. While Americans suffer, he parties! Another slap in the face to Americans.
Angel Toro he conned the American public with his hope and change bs. He will go down in history as this countries worst President ever. He has done so many wrong things and people depended on him for some reconciliations, it just didn’t happen.
Well what would you think obama would care give me a break
the most disrespectful president ever.