This president continues to show his indifference to the disasters facing the nation.
As record-breaking flood waters threaten to breach as many as 19 levees in the Midwest, President Obama is living it up in Hawaii. Currently on one of his many vacations, Obama apparently can’t be bothered by such an unpleasant development as mass flooding in the heart of the country.
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May he p**s in his short pants and prance off the links.
He is despicable…He is all about himself..I never knew I could absolutely despise someone so much as I do him,,He doesn’t give a flip about this country or the people in it..He has hoodwinked us for 7 years..No more..I bet he gets a good laugh everyday about how he has used our hard earned tax money for vacations, and everything..We have made him wealthy. I thought the Clintons were crooked but they can’t hold a candle to the trash..on the golf course.
He is doing what he does best. Spending tax payers money on a vacation he doesn’t need instead of using the money to help flood victims. Thumbs up to a thumbs down president.
Sorry the liberals in control in the government in of control of money lended to banks caused the banks to fail. Sorry we had to stop the Invasion by Sadam. WMD s were found but they had deteriorated and no longer weapons grade. Totally inverted liberal explanations and excuse.
The man got to rust some time too , and I meant Michelle !!!
Free United States government air force shutdown Hawaii and keep that low life there
Why not he does not care about this Country.
Shame Shame
Tami M Stewart Actually, he’s pretty highly respected throughout the world, so is Hillary. We have a small retarded cult called the Tea Party, led by Conservatives that most of the world finds irritating.
Right on. The longer he stays in Hawaii the less trouble he causes.