This president continues to show his indifference to the disasters facing the nation.
As record-breaking flood waters threaten to breach as many as 19 levees in the Midwest, President Obama is living it up in Hawaii. Currently on one of his many vacations, Obama apparently can’t be bothered by such an unpleasant development as mass flooding in the heart of the country.
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Aaron Menachem Olive-Tree, right out of the communist manifesto! Lol, freaking commy commy traitor to our nation!
“HE DOESN’T CARE” !!!!!!!!!
Traitor to America wants locking up.
he don’t care!
He didn’t do anything to earn the privilege of becoming president? What about winning the election, Does that not count? Duh…
One good thing he is out of Washington, I hope he stays out
Why can’t a 55 caliber bullet stray into that field ?
Care to notice, every disaster or any kind of a probleb, our wonderful president is somewhere else so the blame can be blamed on someone else, “Ididn’t know”.
A president for the ages.
Scum… too bad a storm didn’t hit there and bury this POS!!!!!