At a Georgetown University speech, Obama tried to justify taking control of the media by making the claim that ‘we’, meaning ‘he’, needs to help the poor by ‘changing the way Republicans think’.
To help the poor, we must change the way the media reports, and specifically, Fox News.
According to Obama, Fox News does nothing more than incite hate for the poor…and there is a great need to change the impression of the poor…so we must change the media…meaning Fox News.
Listen to this meandering, despotic, but subtle diatribe on the next page:
$#%&!@* ,Mao and Stalin would be proud.SOCIALIST hate free speech.
Is works so well in mother Russia!
$#%&!@*tator (intentional misspelling). I would call him a traitor but he’s not a legal citizen.
No more truth allowed !
Stop using cell phones so we can save for the illegal immigrants,..
Black eye of America.
He’s got the Internet so it is only a matter of time before all Communication is Obama Controlled. People just don’t get it. THIS MAN IS A DICTATOR and he will NOT be handing over the ‘keys’ to America (as he called it) to ANY successor.
Since LBJ America felt in the hands of the Democratic party and eventually accomplished this prophecy:”We cannot expect Americans to jump from capitalism to Communism, but we can $#%&!@*ist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism until they suddenly awake to find they have Communism.” -Soviet Leader Nikita Khrushchev, 1959 …Barack Hussein Obama and his democrats has transformed America. The Middle East is muslim and communist and now communist Cuba asking millions !!