At a Georgetown University speech, Obama tried to justify taking control of the media by making the claim that ‘we’, meaning ‘he’, needs to help the poor by ‘changing the way Republicans think’.
To help the poor, we must change the way the media reports, and specifically, Fox News.
According to Obama, Fox News does nothing more than incite hate for the poor…and there is a great need to change the impression of the poor…so we must change the media…meaning Fox News.
Listen to this meandering, despotic, but subtle diatribe on the next page:
They are both really big problems.
Fk u
Theres no crime for lying about being a christian when you’re a muslim. That isn’t a crime. Everything else I agree with.
The media has been good to Obama, now that his term is almost over he wants to change it. He sure can dish it out but he certaily can’t take it.
you think the next president isn’t going to be a puppet? Think again.
the medium doesn’t tell the truth..they won’t even talk bad about the sob president obama…he never does anything wrong compared to the medium?
I say quite the contrary, I say we need to change the occupant in the White House.
Actually we’re going to have to change the American president
Did you forget, this is America, the land of freedom, you are an idiot or mentally ill.
Its too late to say that Obama has failed. He was the REAL Manchurian Candidate and the stupid people that BOUGHT the pipe dream stuck ALL of us with this FRAUD. Obama is NOT President. And should have been impeached by now. Congress is TO BLAME now for allowing him to remain in office. Democrats put him there, but we elected Republicans to STOP HIM. And so far they haven’t.