At a Georgetown University speech, Obama tried to justify taking control of the media by making the claim that ‘we’, meaning ‘he’, needs to help the poor by ‘changing the way Republicans think’.
To help the poor, we must change the way the media reports, and specifically, Fox News.
According to Obama, Fox News does nothing more than incite hate for the poor…and there is a great need to change the impression of the poor…so we must change the media…meaning Fox News.
Listen to this meandering, despotic, but subtle diatribe on the next page:
Obama its time for you to smell the roses. Go to hell. Thats where you came from. Its time for you to go home. Straight back to hell.
we need to change President not the media
Hummmm …. Dictate media is awful close to Iran, Cuba & the rest of the Communist Dictatorship Nations…. ALERT AMERICA …RED Flag Warning
Obviously!!! 🙂
p**s on you obozo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He said Hope & Change. Let’s change how long he’s in the WH… Charge him with Treason, falsifying his birth certificate, false reporting on Benghazi, hiding his college records, lying about being a Christian when he’s a Muslim… just being evil!!! Get rid of him.
kindly add me.
you guys are so blinded by your disapproval of obama, although with good reason, you’ve failed to realize all media is already controlled by corporations which pick what you get to see and what you dont see.
You already have. How ludicrous does Obama have to get before people realize he’s trying to cause civil disruption of monumental proportions. Something strange is happening. Election coverage might be what he wants to change. The question is would he do this fairly? Does he not want us to know about something we should?
Jade Helm?
Pro rush here . cons$#%&!@*ution first .