At a Georgetown University speech, Obama tried to justify taking control of the media by making the claim that ‘we’, meaning ‘he’, needs to help the poor by ‘changing the way Republicans think’.
To help the poor, we must change the way the media reports, and specifically, Fox News.
According to Obama, Fox News does nothing more than incite hate for the poor…and there is a great need to change the impression of the poor…so we must change the media…meaning Fox News.
Listen to this meandering, despotic, but subtle diatribe on the next page:
Judge Napolitano Saw Clinton Emails That Likely Revealed Amb Stevens Location To Enemies, Obama Cover-@[418579314866450:274:Tea Party Stand Up]
There are no reporters in the MSM. He will have to come after alternative media.
Is he still getting high??
Tell the truth at face value would be the first step
No Mr. President in America there is something called free press – it is up to the American people to believe it or not, but you don’t get to tell them what to say just because you don’t like what you are hearing… We are not stupid out here in the real world – we DO know how to think for oursleves – we don’t need you telling us how!
Our control freak going after freedom of the press.
Oh we are , are we. You must think you are in China or Russia, you pr..k.
no truer statement has ever been said. it is time for the media to report honest news instead of all the progressive lies.
Nope, Barack, you need to change yourself around!!!
No, we need to change out a Muslim POS president.