While speaking at Georgetown University, Obama stated that in order to help the poor and change the way Republicans think, ‘we’ – of course meaning ‘he’ – is going to have to change the way the media reports.
Specifically, Obama claims Fox News is the greatest offender..stating that it does nothing more than incite hate for the poor.
See Page 2 For Video:
What? How could you lie more?
how about they investigate the treason and fraud and theft in our government especially the white house and the Potus, his hatred of our military and his destroying it, his hatred of our country and his destroying it, a bit to truth and some real research with the truth revealed about what is being done to our country, our tax dollars, our military and why the criminal illegals are still here when it is cheaper to deport them than to keep them here. Lets hear some real truth some real stories about the deterioration of our congress and senate and the demise of American Freedoms. Lets hear it for some real truth. Do reporters and news media still have the guts to even try to report the truth. Or are they too busy stuffing their pockets with tax money also.
This is not fair. I pray something can be done about it.
the truth would be nice instead of what you tell them what to say
You afraid they will tell the truth about you…..
They need to change and tell the truth not what ovomit says they should say
You need to leave
Why because some of them tell the truth about you and you don’t like it.
No we’re NOT.
Watch this foreigner !