While speaking at Georgetown University, Obama stated that in order to help the poor and change the way Republicans think, ‘we’ – of course meaning ‘he’ – is going to have to change the way the media reports.
Specifically, Obama claims Fox News is the greatest offender..stating that it does nothing more than incite hate for the poor.
See Page 2 For Video:
Because, like the communist news network (CNN), MSNBC, USA TODAY, AND OTHERS LIKE THEM. Do everything they can to make him look good. He’s done nothing but ruin this country and make us look like clowns to the rest of the world. Everyone hates FOX NEWS because they don’t cater to Obama and the democratic agenda. They need to push their agenda for gun control, hatred, labeling patriots as terrorists, and division of the nation. Wake up America!
you are so delusional
what, again, they all ready don’t tell us the truth because of you. how much more are they going to have to lie now.
His oath was to protect and defend our cons$#%&!@*ution, yet he seems determined to destroy it. It’s nothing short of treason
Spoken like a true communist dictator.
William Brosnahan, the media has identify ,Obaboon to the American people for what he is , a muslim traitor. I’m waiting for Fox News to do that . But they won’t .
The truth would be good not just BO’s version of the truth.
We have had Seven Years of bringing America Down. We now have a chance to Restore America to the Respectfull and Prosperous Country it was Eight Years ago.
What we need to change is the POS traitor in the peoples white house.
we’ve had enough change!! in the dark now!