While speaking at Georgetown University, Obama stated that in order to help the poor and change the way Republicans think, ‘we’ – of course meaning ‘he’ – is going to have to change the way the media reports.
Specifically, Obama claims Fox News is the greatest offender..stating that it does nothing more than incite hate for the poor.
See Page 2 For Video:
We are not changing another thing on your account. NOTHING! You might as well resign. You are finished and every American patriot will ignore you and everything you stand for which is communist insanity!
Yea lets shut up your lies
They can’t tell the truth
The former Soviet Union had no media reporting problems.
NO PEOPLE: HE IS RIGHT!! They are currently LIBERAL HACKS. We DO need to change that. A large woodchipper would help.
Yes, you will work hard to shut them up, that’s the change
media lies and deceptions is sign of all around social decay,the excepting of it and people sponsoring it all guilty of social decay.and of being of a sociopathic nature.sick!
Once again he’s showing his true communist colors
Translation; If the Media dont stop telling the truth im going to p$#%&!@* an Executive Order to shut them down!