According to Judicial Watch, “the Obama administration let 1,519 ‘inadmissible’ foreigners embroiled in terrorism into the U.S. last year. Yes, that is right. Obama invited clearly known Islamic terrorists to come to the U.S.
“Before the Obama administration tweaked a federal law last year, these foreign nationals would have been banned from the country for supporting terrorist causes,” Judicial Watch writes. “But under the changes the Secretary of Homeland Security has ‘discretionary authority’ to waive certain grounds of inadmissibility relating to terrorism.”
Read more about the vicious terrorists that Barack Obama welcomed to the nation on the next page:
Horrible man.
You cannot touch him he is Black
Gone Jan 20 2017
Part of his Jihad against America – and he is not finished yet. The next two weeks will bring his biggest surprise.
Of course. Obama is a traders Muslim.
That’s because Obama is a terrorist Muslim itself
The creator of the TROJAN HORSE should have been locked up long ago. Regret is going to be deep and long that he was not.
President Trump has stated that he will deport all of Obummers guests. Lets hope deportation can begin before Obummers buddies kill someone.
One evil man here.
This better not be true.