As part of a deal with Turkey to further train and equip ‘moderate Syrian rebels’, Obama is giving these ISIS aligned jihadists the ability to call in U.S. air strikes.
Of course, these ‘moderate terrorists’ don’t really exist. An estimated 65% of these militants that cross the border into Iraq and suddenly become ISIS fighters, according to retired Lt. Colonel Tony Shaffer.
Kelvin Hoffman
impeach him immediately
Yes, treason.
No he better not!
Can you say ISIS.
Yes he is and long has been guilty of treason against the US Cons$#%&!@*ution and the true American people!
If it is a US military vehicle in ISIS territory and it moves, send in a Wart Hog.
Another treasonous act!
We need a revolt or government coup to take place in this country to stop this insanity, not only in the White House, but the Congress , Senate and Supreme Courts!