U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is looking for a vendor to print 34 million ‘blank’ work permits for illegal aliens currently in the US.
In yet another affront to America and our laws, Obama will seek to greatly increase the Democratic base by doling out millions upon millions of these permits, which indicates more precisely the intended size of Obama’s amnesty. He states it’s 5 million…try 34 million.
WE SHALL NOT BE SILENCED!!!! This is our country!!!!! We have the unalienable right to take it over in the evernt of treason!!!!!!
No no no
What the H??????
Want to know why you don’t read about Black guys with Grenades?
You can’t buy grenades at Walmart… You can get an AR-15 tho…
It is so easy to find the few really bad people out of 150 MILLION adults when you get paid to do it……
Don’t believe me? Then go back to school and learn how to comprehend a MILLION.
Black lives matter.
(Having women troubles so now is a good time to write this…)
Do you know that with enough money and resources I could make you afraid of hamsters?
I actually did the research and I found where hamster bites caused death (Google “lethal hamster bite”)
If I was one of the six international corporations that own 85% of the ENTIRE PLANET’S media how long do you think I would have to run ads till you are convinced that hamsters cause autism or $#%&!@*sexuality? (BE HONEST) (This would have been way funnier if I went with gerbils)
So black lives matter…
There is what? 30 MILLION Minorities? (More like way more than 90 million but for the purpose of this rant 30 million… AND I am to freaking high to waste time looking it up when 30 million will do… because lets face it …Yes… You are this easily led)
So out of 30 FREAKING MILLION 100000 are bad? Do the math numbnuts… OK? 200000… do the math…
There is 312 million Americans last count… We all have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…blah blah blah… M$#%&!@* MEDIA…
Out of 30 MILLION people…
How hard do you think it is to find the few thousand people that that do something stupid that the corporations use that keep you from thinking about sugar or how old the kid was that made your phone?
Don’t you READ?
“Black Deviants Want Access to White Only Schools”
That is an ACTUAL HEADLINE published in a newspaper back when we only had 3 channels on TV… Don’t believe me? Freaking Google it or call your local newspapers archive department.
“Thugs Disrupt White only Restaurant”
Google what they said about Rosa Parks… F$%king dare ya.
What did they call Martin Luther King when he blocked bridges? (Same thing they are saying now about Obama just with out the “Muslim” part)
Heck… What did they say about the crack-head Rodney King?
For some reason, when a group of people that have been discriminated against for generations actually points out the discrimination…
The people that either cause or FLAT OUT ignore the discrimination call it “race-baiting”…
Back to the hamster part…
…Have ya thought about it?
Do you think if I had the resources I could scare 80% of America into being afraid of hamsters? (Not you though, don’t worry you’re smart)
Did you Google “lethal hamster bite”?
Aint it nice being white?
Now watch this video nobody paid me to make numbnuts…
The simplest way to control the mind of a large group of people is to divide them into little groups of people that hate each other while controlling what they read, watch on TV, what they eat, and what they drink.
They will show you horrible images/videos like this while giving you a steady diet of processed food full of sugar to make you to lazy to actually research what is really going on.
No not right Mr President.
Obama I thought you were stupid, but instead you are very EVIL, You don’t care about the White, Black, or these illegals, you would love your own uslims to come in and take our country over. You will see how strong our white and black can fight together, when you try to destroy our Country…”DON’T MESS WITH THE USA….
Immigration “Synagogue of Satan” by Andrew Carrington Hitch$#%&!@*, pp.175-176
Please ensure widest distribution.
Due to friction between different races in Britain, the Race Relations Act of 1965 is introduced into parliament by then, Attorney General, Russian Jew, Frank Soskice. This act make racial discrimination unlawful in public places. Introduction of different races into different countries is the Jews’most effective form of warfare yet, against the Western World, and is known as the “Silent War,” which has taken place at various times [during] this century, primarily in the United States and [in] the United Kingdom.
This is generally done under the pretext of needing other races to fill a gap in the labor market in that country (although, of course, in America, Jews brought Africans into the country to sell as slaves), whilst the electorate of the countries concerned are never asked whether they want immigration into their country. (Note: The Rothschilds alone had, at one time, not fewer than 15 slave ships during slavery’s peak.) The Jews support immigration into countries for the following reasons:
1.) In accordance with their most holy book, the Talmud, Jews see the world population as consisting of Jews and non-Jews, (also know as goy, goyim, and gentiles). Note: Goy or goyim also carries with it the double meaning “cattle.” The only possible end of immigration is the destruction of all races as they interbreed with one another and form one single race. That race will be the non-Jews.
2.) The Jews have always wanted a World Government, which co-incidentally, they will control. By mixing up all [of] the races into different countries, they can argue that s every country in the world now consists of many different races, national boundaries are now obsolete and should be replaced with a single World Government.
3.) The Jews are fully aware of the danger [that] a cohesive native population is to their dreams of a Jewish World Government, having had the experience of being kicked out of so many countries several times in history due to the natural reaction of a cohesive population against their evil and exploitative actions there.
The introduction of people foreign to a country as citizens removes the threat of the native peoples acting as a single cohesive unit. This is because the different cultures and customs of both peoples, are hard for either people to accept. Whilst these two groups of people are pre-occupied sorting this out, the Jews have the benefit of invisibility to carry on as they please without question.
They only ever seem to declare their race when they speak of the great benefits of diversity, and anyone who doesn’t agree must be a “racist” or a “hater.” Yet, the plan [which] they are promoting will result in the ethnic cleansing of specific racial types which have been on the planet for thousands of years, which they do not regard as racist or hateful.
Interestingly, the Jewish owned media throughout the world will promote diversity or political-correctness, whilst at the same time promoting the apartheid state of Israel, the only state in the world where you have to be of a particular race to emigrate. Yes, you have to be biologically Jewish to be able to emigrate there, and it is (illegal) for a Jew to marry a non-Jew. Note: Biblically, there is NO BASIS WHATSOEVER for racial discrimination. One needs only to see what God did to the skin of Miriam, the sister of Moses, when she slandered Moses for marrying a black-skinned woman of Midian. Miriam was struck with leprosy. Other than religious difference, only language is a basis for separation.
Barack Obama, aka Barry Soetero, is Jewish as was his mother Stanley Ann Dunham and his grandmother, Madeline Dunham. Among other proofs, evidence to support that he is NOT an adherent to Islam is his support for $#%&!@*sexuality and lesbianism. Orthodox Islam and Orthodox Christianity do NOT support these life styles. The Babylonian-Jewish Talmud supports it fully. So is Yohanan Cohen, aka John Kerry. The Bushes are descended from French Jews. Do your homework. Anecdotal evidence is that if he were Muslim, he would not tolerate what is being done to Muslims in Gaza and on the West Bank. Do your homework.
1869 At the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iuda, Rabbi Reichorn makes the following revealing statement: “Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians m$#%&!@*acre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews’ Harvest, the Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100,000,000 (one hundred million) Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet.” Do your homework readers. Vet this info for yourselves and keep it moving.
Wow lol smh
Thes illegals are a huge threat to our homes and our ways of life.