U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is looking for a vendor to print 34 million ‘blank’ work permits for illegal aliens currently in the US.
In yet another affront to America and our laws, Obama will seek to greatly increase the Democratic base by doling out millions upon millions of these permits, which indicates more precisely the intended size of Obama’s amnesty. He states it’s 5 million…try 34 million.
Trying to get them votes…
obama a filthy PO$#%&!@*ler garbage
If a group were determined to destroy America, it could not win with military power. How would they attempt to destroy us?
Give HIM his walking papers.
don’t hire them…
This c**p must stop quickly !!!
why don’t we set vietnam type traps for themor ieds
Obama needs to give himself one.
WE who make up the great “Silent Majority” must NOT remain silent any longer lest we lose our country altogether!