U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is looking for a vendor to print 34 million ‘blank’ work permits for illegal aliens currently in the US.
In yet another affront to America and our laws, Obama will seek to greatly increase the Democratic base by doling out millions upon millions of these permits, which indicates more precisely the intended size of Obama’s amnesty. He states it’s 5 million…try 34 million.
Get his azz out of office and behind bars ALREADYYY
Illegal for sure.
Obama Needs to Stop bringing illegal aliens into Our Country!!!!
More on welfare and more unemployment
Illegals……GO BACK TO YOUR HOME COUNTRY……..THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ISN’T IT. Oh, and end American birthright citizenship to their spawn born here.
Arturo Cano…….it is O’s goal to bring down America and make us a Muslim Country. Now, just go away……you can stay if you stick to the comment…..attacking another posterr shows poor form. Do bbetter.
“The truth shall set you free.”
…..and end birth-right American citizenship to their spawn born here……..that “American” kid allows them to stay.
Send them back where they came from – give Americans jobs
We need a wall or razor wire fence. Then the military to shoot those who climb over. This is a war.