U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is looking for a vendor to print 34 million ‘blank’ work permits for illegal aliens currently in the US.
In yet another affront to America and our laws, Obama will seek to greatly increase the Democratic base by doling out millions upon millions of these permits, which indicates more precisely the intended size of Obama’s amnesty. He states it’s 5 million…try 34 million.
There is Texas federal judge order that is meant to stop this from being implemented
34Million illegals and Obamacare? We are all Doomed! Lets see which comes first, Iran’s nuke or financial crisis this will cause.
O has to bring all the s$#%&!@*bags in so they can vote in 2016.
Some judge needs to stop this a-hole. No one person should have the right to go against immigration laws or 2nd amendment!
now you know how we must feel hea in our own country with regards to the TPPA and its invation into our waters/…
moronic imbesoul
Are there 34 million jobs to have?
odummer is worthless trash