U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is looking for a vendor to print 34 million ‘blank’ work permits for illegal aliens currently in the US.
In yet another affront to America and our laws, Obama will seek to greatly increase the Democratic base by doling out millions upon millions of these permits, which indicates more precisely the intended size of Obama’s amnesty. He states it’s 5 million…try 34 million.
Oh okay, then he’ll stop you too because you’re an illegal. No native American said you could invade
let’s do it Curtis!!!
Love Rio!!!
Jan Brent, wish they would do all that you said. Last night at the debate, several Republicans stated the removal of Republicans Representatives from the House & Congress- who are in bed with Obuma. Can’t wait for one them to win and do it. It’s long over due.
That sick SoB.
Congress get him stopped.
IMPEACH Obama now who cares if he is only there 14 more months. He is going to destroy our Country just tell these people they can just pack it up in January 2017 PERIOD
Obomination is illegal so what’s new
these are acts of nothing more than a traitor that is trying to destroy America, it is sick and sad that everyone sits idol will this is happening
They need to lock all of them up and throw the key away