U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is looking for a vendor to print 34 million ‘blank’ work permits for illegal aliens currently in the US.
In yet another affront to America and our laws, Obama will seek to greatly increase the Democratic base by doling out millions upon millions of these permits, which indicates more precisely the intended size of Obama’s amnesty. He states it’s 5 million…try 34 million.
With all those potential votes, we will have a Democratic president for the next 50 years!
Arturo Cano You can go back to your $#%&!@*hole 3rd world country tooo, get out of the USA S$#%&!@*bags
Hang this POS on TREASON!!!
For what purpose!?
it time to get the arm force there and let them know were we stand this is american not for foreigner
34 million bullets are cheap.
Obama is clearly committing treason every day. Why is he still there?
And we hav 78,000,000 legals out of work?.
No work permits…..court ruled against him !!!
Impeach Obama