The Obama administration is ramping up to hire huge pool of new contractors for illegal alien detainees – an estimated equivalent of 5.5 million labor hours.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) does not yet have proposal submissions from vendors, so they can’t begin to estimate the costs of these support services.
That’s what taxpayers’ money is for: taking care of his soon-to-be Democratic voters.
See The Following Page:
He can pay for it out of his pocket since he did it!
You know how the people of America defeated England ?
They stood together with one voice, they stood together as one people,
they were not black they were now white, they were not Irish, not Italian, not German, they were one thing, they were Americans, and they were fighting for the same prize, their freedoms their liberties !
A small group of people on a faraway land, defeated the most powerful military nation in the world, because they had the will, and the believe if they stood together as one, no power in the world could defeat them !
They knew God was on their side, and they were on the side of right.
We today in United States of America have lost what is the most important thing to the people of this nation, to be able to stand side-by-side with your neighbor your friends your colleagues and with one voice demand, your freedoms your liberties, to tell this government we are the people, we write the laws, we built this nation, where the ones who hammered the nails, pour the concrete erected the steal, built these city’s, and built this nation, no politician broke a sweat, building our highways, no politician bled building our cities, and our factory, but every politician will be responsible for the demise of this nation.
We the people we are the caretakers of this land and this nation, are we going to let foreign governments take this what we and our fathers fought so hard to build.
Our power as citizens is in our ability to come together as one, there is no more powerful en$#%&!@*y other than God, if we don’t stand together in unity, and raise our voices in disgust of the activities that are taking place in this country today, we do not deserve to have this country to call home.
Our fate, our children and our grandchildren’s future is in our hands today, tomorrow it may be in the hands of Islamic extremist, but today it’s in our hands.
We need to come together with one voice, as one people, I would recommend that every member of every patriot groups every militia, every gun rights group, every cons$#%&!@*utional party, Join your local Tea Party Today, let’s become one, with one voice as one people, not as a whisper but with the roar of freedom that will be heard around the world, as we retake our country back from the tyrants, and the corrupt. We need to vote as a $#%&!@*le wave, all with the same voice, everyone in our families.
This power is in your hands, NOW what you going to do with it .
obama can’t do this alone. Congress holds the purse strings but they not only are holding them, but through them out with the Cons$#%&!@*ution. obama is one man, Congress can and should stop him.
no surprise is it?
Please somebody stop him.
Yeah, I can’t grasp how this is legal. Illegal means just that. I suppose I nolonger have to obey written law then either?
That POS is a total disgrace and should be impeached immediately, Our veterans are worth everything and the illegals are worth nothing until they come here legally
Jerk !
Not everyone!
If a vet leaves the US military and makes anything above the poverty level, he or she is NOT eligible for VA medical coverage. Fact. BTW, the VA lumps your spouse’s income in with your income even if he or she never served. This is how they “reduce ” problems at VA medical centers.