Once again, Barack Obama proves what a petty and insecure whackjob he really is.
Every week there’s something new to learn about the depth of Obama’s depraved and incompetent presidency and every week he gets away with some new, ridiculous lapse in reason.
He should have been impeached over a dozen times now. But what he had to say to General Stanley McChrystal, former Commander of the US forces in Afghanistan, sunk to a not-unsurprising new low.
Find out what Obama said to General McChrystal on page 2.
He’ll have to join a long queue, Barry
The General will have to get in line behind me !!!
ya and 61 million other deplorable!
If Flynn doesn’t I would be happy to.
That’s not true Obama, Any one that has done time in the military, doesn’t matter witch branch will never stand in line again for anything now matter how great the rewards.
I was thinking more when he gets the firing squad and they blow his brains out that I will use part of his cranium as a bedpan
I’ll help
Damn right, Obana realizes best use of urine…