Obama, being faced with a Republican-controlled Congress who seeks to defund his criminal actions on amnesty, is now taking the money from immigrants trying to move through our immigration process legally.
Obama is not only slapping the face of those attempting to abide by the law, he is, once again, encouraging others to break our laws.
Laws? What laws?
when is he every going to be arrestest, hes broke more laws then the worst bad guy has broken. get him out of the w/h
I wish someone would kick that sorry assed smile off his face
He is stealing from those who seek the legal way of citizenship. They should have a say in this-it’s their $$$!
pond sucking scum
What a POS
someone should smack that smug smile off his fugly face !!!
this is why I will not vote for no one for another term. they are only in there for money .congress is so greedy they are giving to communist for sale United States congress cheap $$$$ .
He is nothing more then a common criminal and thug POS.