Obama, being faced with a Republican-controlled Congress who seeks to defund his criminal actions on amnesty, is now taking the money from immigrants trying to move through our immigration process legally.
Obama is not only slapping the face of those attempting to abide by the law, he is, once again, encouraging others to break our laws.
Laws? What laws?
Obama ur speech was worthless… Only reason I watched was to see how many lies he had to spew out of his mouth…and his last word were God bless America… And he stated in past we need to be educated on Islam…I knew I should have changed the channel….lol
Something really wrong about this. Does that boy even begin to understand “rule of law?”
very interesting
He will not be able to get away with it period. It will be defunded.
If he `s at 50% it`s because he has been on vacation and hasn`t screwed anything up while he was gone !
Just as he continues to Rob every American…
Pos sob.
It’s not so hard being a thug, not for him anyway.
He is the epitome of everything evil .
like moslems leaders always do! ..to scare,to bribe, n evrything which can make them keep thmselves in power ..