In stating that he wanted to help the poor and change the way Republicans think, Obama recently declared at Georgetown University that we – of course meaning ‘he’ – needs to change the way Fox News and the media reports.
Obama claimed that Fox News was doing nothing more than inciting hate for the poor, and because we need to change people’s impressions of the poor all media needs to change.
WAHA WAHA!! Meryl Streep is saying mean things about meee!!!
MAINSTREAM MEDIA __ communism at its finest.
A true dictator from birth
Who is the We the media lied for you the past 8 years Obama the change now is they have to tell the truth
No more Obama.
You mean you letists are going to have to change how you report the news.
He isnt wrong about this. But The Fascist is Trump who wants to ban media that doesnt agree with him. If Obama did this to FOX news you all would scream. Also he is more a patriot than Trump will ever be so enjoy what will happen.
No we need to deny Satan and the new world order