In stating that he wanted to help the poor and change the way Republicans think, Obama recently declared at Georgetown University that we – of course meaning ‘he’ – needs to change the way Fox News and the media reports.
Obama claimed that Fox News was doing nothing more than inciting hate for the poor, and because we need to change people’s impressions of the poor all media needs to change.
Oh the horror!! You couldn’t control this network. Well tough$#%&!@*MORON. At least one network remembers what their job is and who they ultimately answer to.
He already changed them all but FOX.
Go pound sand with your Fellow Muslims.
Shut up and go away, you have no power here.
He is one funny guy, as the world laughs at him. You can bet his puppeteers are pissed though.
It seems as if many other civilized countries are beginning to follow suit.
Is history repeating itself, does 1095-1099 ring a bell with anyone?
This is a communist speak for shutting down any opposing view and information! Typical leftist communist mindset. If you can’t brainwash them with communist propaganda and lies then claim down on the opposition with force…
Agree 100%. And if I’m correct, not one of the founding fathers were lawyers, just business men with personal morals.
Obama no longer has a say in anything his time is up and he is out
WE ? NEVER ! YOU have already turned the media into demon loving evil liars !
so true