In speaking to a Democratic fundraiser composed of a handful of wealthy supporters, Obama stated that the reason he couldn’t get everything done he wants is because of inherent problems with our structure of government.
“So there are some structural reasons why, despite the fact that Republican ideas are largely rejected by the public, it’s still hard for us to break through,” Obama said.
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You are a problem for each and every American
We the people agree time to act wake up America
obummer is the BIGGEST and WORST FAILURE this country has EVER had ! but that’s all you an expect when a bunch of IGNORANT / Brain Dead / MORONS put an ILLEGAL ALIEN / muslim in the White House !!!
WHY won’t they IMPEACH and PROSECUTE for all the TREASON? He sides with our enemies and it’s SICK they won’t KICK him out????
Waaaaaah !
No problems at all, dummy…
Hussein is a very dangerous man because of his backers and I’m not talking about democrats.
What He IS – IS A TRAITOR POS !!!! 🙁
He probably cheats at golf too.