In speaking to a Democratic fundraiser composed of a handful of wealthy supporters, Obama stated that the reason he couldn’t get everything done he wants is because of inherent problems with our structure of government.
“So there are some structural reasons why, despite the fact that Republican ideas are largely rejected by the public, it’s still hard for us to break through,” Obama said.
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Absolutely, CNN & The Obama Administration ARE Criminal Mafia Nazi Zionist Israeli’s! They ARE without conscience, heart or Conscience. Remember these Evil bodies have already walked amongst we here in America and continue to do even more evil actions outside America as they did in Syria , and to the Syrians and to the Armenians as they are NOW doing as well since to the Palestinians since and before the year of 1948 and the founding of the Zionist. Nazis Israelis Statehood. Well And Now today Dear friends Read :
The Stench IS horrid. The Criminal Enemies of America even more putrid along WITH the American Nazi Zionist Lackeys !
WorldTruth.TV’s photo.
America & Dear Global World YOU KNOW : :
This is what happens when you have lawyers writing the laws, lawyers passing the laws, lawyers enforcing the laws, lawyers judging the laws and lawyers profiting from the laws and lawyers being the only ones that understand the laws. Any question now what the problem is?
They ARE Experts OUR global architects and others uncovering 9/11 !!!
Stand up, do not stand down America, we are standing to honor the Dear peoples Genocided in 9/11 by the Criminals here in America, and Zionist Mafia Nazi Israel!
These Criminals ARE They are the Zionist Lackeys of Mafia Nazi Israel and The Direct State Zionist Mafia Nazi Israel’s. Yes, let’s make sure they ARE arrested.! Let us make sure all will be caught America. Yes, it’s take down time For Obama, Absolute ALL “Criminal SCUM” , YES : Absolutely, First & Foremost – especially we should Arrest ALL the Lackeys of Zionist Mafia Israel Collaborating in America today; they Are called Enemies of America! The #1 Leading Enemy IS Barry Obama, Mass Killer Abroad and at home in America and Criminal Alien President of America ! Yes, do Ban these Political American Criminals All in America’s Government !
They ARE, ALL Enemy Collaborators working with Zionist Israel Nazis, stealing our monies our country. They should be shot as collaborators and Bankers !
It’s called check and balance you fuvkin pos
All of this coming from a man that was a community organizer who has no management training never served in the military hardly ever made role call when in the senate all he knows is how to speak at fundraisers every time something comes up he has to read it in a newspaper he says.Obama and his Administration are more worried about the illegal aliens than our wounded troops and yet he blames every thing on the GOP when he has Harry that will never let anything go to the Senate floor far a vote.Yes it is all the GOP,s problem.
His brain has structural problems!!
No Sir… your father created a son with structural problems.
May God help Congress & Rep must do it power work out not give up. Obama must go in Jail. America cannot change new law alike foreign not freedom!
His mother created a mental midget.
Impeach him