In speaking to a Democratic fundraiser composed of a handful of wealthy supporters, Obama stated that the reason he couldn’t get everything done he wants is because of inherent problems with our structure of government.
“So there are some structural reasons why, despite the fact that Republican ideas are largely rejected by the public, it’s still hard for us to break through,” Obama said.
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Is it too much to ask for him to stop shifting the blame. It is not the fault of our constitution; it is the fault of the community organizer who was not prepared to govern this great nation
sure—-the problem is –you dont know a problem if it bites you in the ass
Barry’s ‘Coke-Addled’, $#%&!@*in brain has ‘Structural’ Problems!!!
You are the problem!
OBAMA needs to be removed from OFFICE. !!!!!
The man would be truly scary if he let his true “persona” come loose….He hates America and has made that very plain ever since the first No he received. He’s like the neighborhood bully who thinks that Might makes him Right!
that statement would get most folks a one way ride to Belleview!
And why in the hell would anyone even listen to Obama, that LYING TOW FACED BASTARD POS.
he is such a traitor
funny they worked real well until he got into office