In speaking to a Democratic fundraiser composed of a handful of wealthy supporters, Obama stated that the reason he couldn’t get everything done he wants is because of inherent problems with our structure of government.
“So there are some structural reasons why, despite the fact that Republican ideas are largely rejected by the public, it’s still hard for us to break through,” Obama said.
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They weren’t perfect because nobody is but they obviously left a loop hole big enough so that idiots like Obama and his previous talking heads could get elected!
Really. Aren’t we all so grateful that such an insightful president is large and in charge? Me thinks not.
Amazing how it worked so great until you came along and started screwing everything up !!!
If our constitution is so bad isn’t it rather surprising that it worked until that dumb ass got into our white house?
That is why our founders wrote the constitution (without any help from muslims) to protect us from someone like you. NOW, who is going to get rid of this bastard?
The Constitution has no structural problems; however, obama has mental ones!
And dedicated to the destruction of America!!!
We can always give him a one wat ticket.
Its been working good till now