In speaking to a Democratic fundraiser composed of a handful of wealthy supporters, Obama stated that the reason he couldn’t get everything done he wants is because of inherent problems with our structure of government.
“So there are some structural reasons why, despite the fact that Republican ideas are largely rejected by the public, it’s still hard for us to break through,” Obama said.
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It took the “FOUNDING FATHERS” 15 years to write the “BILL of RIGHTS” !!! WHY ? They were looking out for the Americans of today and imagined ALL the crazy people in elected positions that would try to take these rights away from us … what do these officials cry … ‘there are too many structural problems & what they really mean is that OUR Founding Fathers wrote these things so well that we would be protected very well and they do not like it, they wish to screw us over in a much faster rate and these Muslim/ Islam/ISIS/ISIL/ etc., are doing their best while they are being funded be the American dollar … WHAT a crock of Bull C**p !!! I am glad the Founding Fathers did what they did for ALL of us, so do NOT give it away, too many have fought and died for the FREEDOMS we have that other countries are still trying to acquire these FREEDOMS … KEEP YOUR GUARD UP AND ABOVE ALL ELSE, THINK FOR YOUR SELF !!! Beware of the Trojan Horse (free gifts are not ever free) …….
Leave it alone and worry about fixing yourself!!!
He prefers the communist manifesto.
the good news in ONLY TWO TERMS!!!he cannot be reelected!!!!
impeach him please
~~~ No…not structural ‘problems’, but structural safeguards against those who want to do as they please!
~~~ This nation belongs to ‘We the People’, and we had better act like it, because this one man CAN take it away if we let him!!
Because Obama is ‘smarter” than ALL those old guys put together.
according to obama our founding fathers didn’t do anything right.
baraq bamah the real problem.