According to Robert Olson, a Middle East analyst and author of several books on the region, the U.S.-Gulf Cooperation Council summit held at Camp David last month gave way to the US sending a few hundred more military advisers to Iraq, but no additional troops will be sent to accompany the 3,000 U.S. troops already stationed.
However, the Obama admin stated that Muslim jihadist forces will be allowed to join the coalition forces, mostly American, in the fight against the al-Assad regime in Syria.
@[1105503608:2048:Douglas Levi]
So wrong!!!
Only ALMIGHTY GOD will STOP HIM cuz he is the ANTI Christ spawn of the devil!!!.
GOD protect ALL True AMRICANS!!!!
Who is that guy that says that. Another stupid story to upset people and keep the hate going
There have been over 200 officers purged by ovomit, for not wanting to go along with the agenda of the globalist-eletist left, as far as names, could not tell you that, but if you do the reasearch you will find the facts, hint: dont rely on mother jones, media matters, or any other lame media who only report what their master ovomit, and his admin want you to know….. and dont write me back saying you dont have the facts, it is important that people do their own research, the facts are their……i dont have room or time to save all the articles i read…..besides i can tell by your tone that you are just another lefty retard trying to smear, because they cannot refute the facts….
Mr Richard L Finley I agree with you 100%
america needs to wake up
and quickly!
Unbelievable that he can do this!
How can that be legal?
Impeach obama
Obama needs to be impeached NOW!