According to Robert Olson, a Middle East analyst and author of several books on the region, the U.S.-Gulf Cooperation Council summit held at Camp David last month gave way to the US sending a few hundred more military advisers to Iraq, but no additional troops will be sent to accompany the 3,000 U.S. troops already stationed.
However, the Obama admin stated that Muslim jihadist forces will be allowed to join the coalition forces, mostly American, in the fight against the al-Assad regime in Syria.
Fuc-ing put that sorry Bas-ard in front of a firing squad
Sneaky snake…….
John Boehner is on tell him.
kill them all starting with their leader obumbler
Richard l Finley,
What do you know? Here’s a question to you, do you expect us to be able to remove Daeish from the world by deploying our forces into the region and fighting them straight up?
Remember daeish was formed from the remnants of Al Queda in Iraq. We were in Iraq for how many years? Didn’t work then did it?
These Muslim immigrants you speak of are mostly our linguists and their families from our time in Iraq.
We are training these people to fight for themselves, in fact we are having difficulty recruiting enough to successfully train at this time.
I bet you think we should make it illegal to practice Islam in the United States as well.
Really? Can you show us this shadow military?
Purged? Really please do tell me who these purged officers are.
This guy needs to be deported!